Horse Lover Farmers

Laid back Country girl What you see is what you get Blunt and outspoken

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Fun and horsey! Teach and train horses for a living, Like to do western performance. Looking for someone with similar interest, or at least like horses, lol. I like other things too- bbq, family, dancing, movies, working out, but most of my life is...

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I am honest, happy, considerate , and a good communicator . I love to ride horses, enjoy the outdoors and like thrift store shopping .

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I love living in the country with animals and nature. I’m hardworking and dedicated to what I do. I believe in Jesus and attend church

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Friendly and warm hearted.looking for a kind and caring person with high integrity and a good sense of humor.

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Quiet country boy who loves living and working in the Outback.

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kind caring and loyal to a fault. down to earth. love family and just spending time with the ones I love.

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Christian family man loves horses, hunting, fishing, dancing, and travel. Looking for honest trustworthy partner.

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I try to be a kind and caring person.Would like to meet a kind,sinçere average attractive lady.

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I'm looking for a serious relationship that will end up in marriage and having a family together

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